Nobuo Takamori

First of all, I would like to thanks Fubon Art Foundation for supporting me and other Taiwanese colleagues to participate CIMAM. It’s an important experience for me, since to extend the international networking plays the core position in my professional career. CIMAM is one of the most efficient and productive forum/symposium or organization I have ever been involved, which provides the platform to cross the continents, and allow the museum professions from widely international regions to interactive with each other. And such kind of interaction always means the starting point of the possible essential projects in the near future.
For my personal perspective, according to my years-long research in Southeast Asia, this year’s CIMAM annual conference in Singapore plays an important connecting platform between the region and wider global art scene. I’m really appreciating the colleagues from American Continent, East Europe, Middle East and Africa would like to spend their time and budget to fly into this region. And this kind of first glance from the international colleagues is really important for the museums, curators and artists who work and based in this region. Through this experience, I already mentioned the dynamic character and importance of CIMAM’s annual conference. Therefore, I already decide to participate the next year’s conference in Stockholm. I also would like to suggest the museums, foundations and other important institutions and individuals from Taiwan and other Asian Countries to participate this meaningful platform.
Beside the importance to connect region with global, it’s equal importance to face the challenges from our 21st century, which means the more intensive global corporation, huge transition of technical usages, and the widely diversity of contemporary art itself. To engage with these new situations, we should corporate with each other intensively and discuss seriously from the details of collection methods and display logic to the higher subjects, such as the position and responsibilities of modern & contemporary art museum in our society.
And at the end, I also want to thanks the organizers from Singapore, which arranging all amazing details, professional visiting, and the wonderful pre-/post-conference tour. What Singapore did for this conference is not only benefit to itself, but also shaping the magnificent influences for Southeast Asia.