CIMAM's 2024 Rapid Response Webinar Program

CIMAM's Rapid Response Webinar (RRW) themes for 2024 aim to address current issues facing modern and contemporary art museums. These include the need for museums to become more climate-sensitive and to question "international norms" of conservation and museum practices established many decades ago, to reimagine more sustainable and ecological ways of conceiving the museum as an institution that embraces and coexists with nature rather than excluding the non-human and slowing down time.
Other topics to be discussed will include the potential advantages and disadvantages of harnessing the power of technology and artificial intelligence (AI) in museums. In addition, the importance of learning from indigenous knowledge systems, different from Western ones, will be emphasized.
Above all, the RRW program aims to present and discuss progressive, experimental, and impactful museum practices from around the world.
CIMAM members have free access to these sessions, where participants can contribute with questions or suggestions after the panelists finish their presentations. If you can't join the sessions live, you can watch the recordings later in the CIMAM Members Only Section. Additionally, you'll have access to the recommended reading list.
If you are not a CIMAM member, you can still participate in the sessions and view the recommended reading list by paying €10,00 per webinar.
CIMAM Rapid Response Webinars are made possible with the support from the Getty Foundation through its Connecting Professionals/Sharing Expertise initiative.
CIMAM's 2024 Rapid Response Webinar Program:
🗓️ Thursday, 29 February 2024, 9:30 am (CST)
Indigenous Perspectives in Curatorial Practice for a Different Future.
Guest panelists:
- John Kenneth Paranada, Curator of Art and Climate Change, Sainsbury Centre For Visual Arts, University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom.
- Lucía Sanroman, Director, Laboratorio Arte Alameda, Mexico City, Mexico.
- Tarah Hogue, Curator (Indigenous Art), Remai Modern, Saskatoon, Canada.
- Lukretia Booysen, Founder and Artistic Director of Koena Art Institute, Cape Town, South Africa
Moderated by CIMAM Board Member, Amanda de la Garza. Director, MUAC, Mexico City, Mexico.
This panel discussion aims to engage curators and museum directors in a dialogue on fostering sustainable ecosystems within modern and contemporary art museums. Delving into the intersection of curatorial practices and indigenous perspectives, the invited panelists will explore strategies for facing a relevant demand in the museum field nowadays. From ethical curation to incorporating indigenous knowledge, we will reflect on how these elements contribute to shaping a more engaged and diverse environment in the art world.
🗓️ Wednesday, 20 March 2024, 13h (CET)
Rewilding the Museum. Exploring the Sensitive Museum Architecture in a Changing Climate.
Guest panelists:
- Graciela Melitsko Thornton, Head of Creative Green Consultancy and Training Programme at Julie’s Bicycle, UK.
- Edson G. Cabalfin, Ph.D., Associate Dean for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the School of Architecture at Tulane University, New Orleans, USA.
- Daniel Vega, Deputy Director for Exhibitions and Conservation, Guggenheim Bilabo, Spain.
Moderated by CIMAM Board members Joselina Cruz, Director/Curator, Museum of Contemporary Art and Design (MCAD) Manila, Philippines, and Malgorzata Ludwisiak, Artistic Director, The Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Poland.
The design and maintenance of a climate-sensitive museum is not an easy task. Architecture and the design of the functions that a museum performs –towards the artworks and also the teams and its audiences–it is still very dependent on modern ideals of representation. To challenge these views implies an imagination of another “climate” inside the museum. Rewilding the museum implies the possibility of the museum becoming nature, embracing different paradigms in conversation and preservation, and also different uses of the spaces. Saying goodbye to global and standard ideas that define spaces and functions in a similar way all over the world is perhaps the first step in that process.
Museums and their architectures may be also diverse in its but from different global perspectives (climate zones). The future for museums is not only visit but doing things inside.
🗓️ Thursday, 2 May 2024, at 11:30 am (CEST)
The Stupid Museum? Museum Practices in the Era of Artificial Intelligence, Development, and Science.
Guest panelists:
- Mónica Bello, Curator and art historian, Head of Arts at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland.
- Yuko Hasegawa, Director, 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Japan.
- Onome Ekeh, Artist and Filmmaker.
Moderated by CIMAM Board members Chus Martínez, Director, Institute Art Gender Nature, Basel, Switzerland, and Malgorzata Ludwisiak, Artistic Director, The Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Poland.
Museum & Science. How art supports and co-creates an awareness of science goals? Consequences of AI.
Discourses dealing –and around– artificial intelligence often takes it as a given, as if AI constitutes new living and social condition that we must assume. But we may frame the question differently: what if the task museums should assume is to discover what the museum can do for artificial intelligence? and how artistic and museum practices can program this tool with new values leading it into different uses and functions for art and culture? Discovering how we can interact with data and create new spheres of study, research and education thanks to digital tools, technology and science should be part of our debate today.
🗓️ Wednesday, 26 June 2024, 9:00am in Buenos Aires / 14:00hrs in Paris / 20:00hrs in Hong Kong
Permanent Disruption: Sharing experiences on leading our Museum teams through a complex and rapidly changing environment.
Join us for an insightful webinar specifically designed for CIMAM members Museum directors who are compelled to meet the increasingly higher expectations of their stakeholders and to address the challenges posed by a more and more complex environment.
This highly targeted session will delve into effective strategies and tactics for managing teams in a healthy and productive manner, overcoming all sorts of practical issues: financial, governance, management, and ethics, among others.
Attendees are encouraged to participate actively, sharing their experiences and solutions, making this an engaging and collaborative session. To join this session please, register and help us answer some questions to be addressed during the session.
This session will be moderated by François Giannesini, Supporter of CIMAM and CEO of STUDIOLO – François has been managing a variety of international crises impacting foundations and museums – and Victoria Noorthoorn, CIMAM Board member and Director of the Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
🗓️ Thursday, 10 October 2024, 13:00 hrs (AET)
Delving into the working methodologies of African Art Museums in Contemporaries Times.
Guest panelists:
- Teesa Bahana, Director, 32° East, Kampala, Uganda.
- Fadzai Veronica Muchemwa, Curator of Contemporary Art, National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe.
- Temitayo Ogunbiyi, Contemporary Artist and Curator, Lagos, Nigeria.
Moderated by CIMAM Board member Chus Martínez, Director, Institute Art Gender Nature, Basel, Switzerland, and Meskerem Assegued Bantiwalu, Curator and General Director, Zoma Museum PLC, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
The last decades have been witnessing the development and improvement of museums in Africa. This development has not only followed an uneven path - reflecting the social, economic, and cultural transformations of a continent but also raises questions about the models that the different African contexts want to follow and the specific and distinguished methods and languages they want to adopt for their institutions, its audiences, and its research and educational environments. As a consequence, we may call into question the very notion of the museum itself, posing a challenge to received ideas that could have profound implications for museums the world over and serve as inspiration for many art institutions around the world. Studying and collecting Indigenous traditional art may lead to new paths in conceiving and mediating the contemporary collections, the ways heritage and culture get transmitted, the co-existence of old and new technologies, etc, and the relations with futures less dependent on the colonial ties.
🗓️ Tuesday, 19 November 2024, 16.00 hrs Singapore (SGT)
Learning from others. Towards a Visitor-Centered Museum by Creating Diverse, Inclusive and Equitable Spaces.
Guest panelists:
- Zheng Bo, Artist, Hong Kong.
- Candice Breitz, Artist, Berlin, Germany.
- Hiuwai Chu, Head of Exhibitions and Curator, Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA), Barcelona, Spain.
Moderated by CIMAM Board members Yu Jin Seng, Director (Curatorial, Research & Exhibitions), National Gallery Singapore, Singapore, and Amanda de la Garza, Deputy Artistic Director, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain.
Diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion are pillars of the museum’s present and future social practices. However, embracing these concepts in the museum environment is not a guarantee of meaningful and progressive structural transformations in an increasingly polarized and fractured world. As a trusted institution and agent of constructive social change, museums have to learn to navigate complex and diverse social, political and cultural contexts. This involves identifying problems, invent new languages and implement relevant policies for museums to realize the potential for social good. Generous sharing and listening of best practices using specific cases studies is crucial towards a visitor-centered museum that learns from each other to engage with the diversity of audience groups with multiple perspectives and lived experiences.

CIMAM 2024 Rapid Response Webinars are made possible with the support from the Getty Foundation through its Connecting Professionals/Sharing Expertise initiative.