We are pleased to welcome Aneta Rostkowska to CIMAM!

"In the next years, I would like to develop more collaborations with museums, especially about the collections and their colonial history. Currently, together with Jakub Woynarowski, I’m working on an exhibition dedicated to the French art movement Les Arts Incohérents. I'm very much interested in museums as institutions of contemporary art, their current and future forms as well as new institutional models inspired by ecological thinking.“
Aneta Rostkowska, Director, CCA Temporary Gallery, Köln, Germany
The CCA Temporary Gallery also takes part in CIMAM's Free Admission Program that embraces more than 200 modern and contemporary art institutions and biennials worldwide, that offer free admission to our members.
CIMAM – International Committee for Museums and Collections of Modern Art – is an Affiliated Organization of ICOM.* Founded in 1962, CIMAM’s vision is a world where the contribution of museums, collections, and archives of modern and contemporary art to the cultural, social, and economic well-being of society is recognized and respected.
Join today, and take part in our network with more than 600 contemporary art museum professionals from 86 countries.
Thank you Aneta Rostkowska, for becoming a member of CIMAM!