Lyn Kienholz obituary

When Lyn Kienholz came to CIMAM, in the late 1980s, the organization was relatively European and East-Coast North American in its outlook and its members. Lyn, who arrived from Los Angeles, and ran a private Foundation, was co-opted as a Board member, partly in view of organizing the 1990 CIMAM meetings in Los Angeles. With her West Coast energy, spontaneity, generosity, and indifference to traditions and protocols, she was something of an ovni*. She was prepared to do anything for anyone, which she did.
Lyn knew everyone in Los Angeles, from the Mayor's office to the artists, the Hollywood studios to the Museums, as well as the most prestigious private collectors, so that the activities and the funding, and the local participation in the meetings in Los Angeles, were uniquely rich and diverse. On this occasion, she also brought to the Board many patron members who remained loyal to CIMAM for many years.
Very different was the preparation for the 1991 meetings in Havana, many practical parts of which Lyn took over single-handedly. During almost a year, she made trips to Havana, delivering fax machines and the necessary office equipment to build up a communications system which would allow us to set up the meetings with our Cuban colleagues, and this at a time when it was forbidden for Americans to travel to Cuba. I can honestly say that we could not have organized the meetings without her. And the socio-cultural importance of these meetings in Havana cannot be overestimated.
Lyn was totally committed to CIMAM and served on the Board for some 20 years. She brought new blood and new perspectives to CIMAM, and for this we shall remember and thank her.
Margit Rowell
President, CIMAM, 1989-1992
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→ Los Angeles Times, 26 January 2019. Lyn Kienholz, a tireless advocate for Los Angeles artists, dies at 88