About the recent developments in relation to Enrico Lunghi’s legal challenge

19 January 2022
CIMAM’s Museum Watch Committee welcomes the recent developments in relation to Enrico Lunghi’s legal challenge of accusations made against him during his tenure as Director of MUDAM, Luxembourg.
Allegations were made against Enrico Lunghi in 2016 by RTL Télé-Lëtzebuerg, the national television channel in Luxembourg. These allegations were publicly amplified by members of the Luxembourg government before a full investigation was undertaken to establish the factual basis of the claims being made. Enrico Lunghi subsequently resigned from MUDAM in November 2016 on the basis that this position was no longer tenable. His resignation was greeted with deep concern by colleagues within the international museum community, and an international petition of support was circulated to the CIMAM membership.
Following a lengthy defamation suit undertaken by Enrico Lunghi, the case has been found to be in his favor. The individuals found responsible for Mr. Lunghi’s reputational damage will now face court proceedings.
CIMAM welcomes this public vindication of a respected and valued member of the museum community in a time when many of our colleagues remain vulnerable to poor governance and political interference.
The Museum Watch Committee of the CIMAM Board: Calin Dan, Bart De Baere, Sarah Glennie, Malgorzata Ludwisiak, Victoria Noorthoorn, Eugene Tan.
CIMAM – International Committee for Museums and Collections of Modern Art – is an Affiliated Organisation of ICOM – International Council of Museums.