Institutional Membership Benefits

Why join CIMAM as an Institutional Member?
By becoming an Institutional Member of CIMAM, your institution joins the only worldwide advocacy and information body for modern and contemporary art museums.
Being an Institutional Member is not only a quality label and a structural link with the international field of our museums, but it may also enhance the focus of international outreach within your staff.
Institutional membership with CIMAM offers all the benefits enjoyed by individual members, with additional advantages:
- Recognition as a leader in museum best practices: Acceptance as an institutional member signifies recognition by the CIMAM Board as a beacon of excellence in museum practices, in line with international ethical standards set by ICOM and CIMAM.
- A dedicated page on the CIMAM website: Gain visibility by showcasing your institution's profile and contributions within the global contemporary art landscape.
- Improved cultural management: CIMAM membership enriches your institution's cultural management and global prestige, increasing its credibility and visibility on the international scene. CIMAM is also actively geared to capacity building in upcoming situations, which an established institution such as yours certainly wants to support.
- Commitment to ethical standards: Demonstrate your institution's commitment to the highest professional standards in contemporary art management and curating by aligning with CIMAM's Code of Ethics and Ethical Governance Clauses.
- Networking and collaboration opportunities: Connect with a global network of professionals, contributing to knowledge sharing, expanding contacts, and fostering collaborations within the international contemporary art community.
- Access to best museum practices: Keep your curatorial team up-to-date with the latest museum practices through CIMAM's various programs, contributing to continuous learning and professional development. Being an institutional member is not only a quality label and a structural link with the international field of our museums, it may also enhance the focus of international outreach within your staff.
- International Visibility: Museums can increase their international visibility by participating in CIMAM's Free Admission Program. By joining CIMAM, they automatically join the Free Admission Program and CIMAM will recommend them as spaces that can influence and shape the future of modern and contemporary art museums.
- Early Bird Registration to the CIMAM Annual Conference: Receive priority access to CIMAM’s most important event of the year to ensure you and your team are up to date and connected with directors and curators of museums from all over the world.
Join now as an Institutional Member to ensure that your institution is on the radar of more than 900 CIMAM members.