Individual Membership Payment Form

Complete CIMAM's membership affiliation by filling in this online form.

Individual membership is open to Museum professionals, directors, and curators of modern and contemporary art institutions. Researchers and independent curators whose field of research and specialization is contemporary art theory, collections, and museums, and most of their field of professional activity is related to the functions of an art museum, are also eligible.

CIMAM Individual members agree to the ICOM Code of Ethics, CIMAM General Principles of Deaccession, and CIMAM’s Code of Ethics.

Notice about Membership Pause:

Professionals joining or renewing their membership with CIMAM should not be engaged in dealing (i.e. buying and selling for profit) in the field of visual arts and cultural property, nor be structurally engaged by a commercial art gallery or a company that produces or sells products to museums.

We remind our Members that, while CIMAM understands the need for curators to combine their work in precarious work environments, being involved regularly or having an established contractual relationship with commercial organizations, such as auction houses, art fairs, art consultancy, or galleries, is outside CIMAM’s ethical framework and mission.

We kindly ask CIMAM Members to inform us if they are engaged in such activities, so their membership can be temporarily paused. Once involvement with commercial entities has ended, membership can be resumed. Please note that CIMAM cannot refund membership fees, regardless of whether they were paid for one, two, or three years.

Thank you for your understanding and for upholding the principles of our organization.