Welcome to our newest member Agnieszka Sosnowska!
"By becoming a member of CIMAM, I wish to contribute to discussions on the shape of contemporary cultural institutions and to exchange of knowledge."
Agnieszka Sosnowska, Curator, Muzeum Susch, Susch, Switzerland.
Dr Agnieszka Sosnowska is a curator and researcher. Since 2021 curator in Muzeum Susch, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Science. In 2008-2020 curator at the Ujazdowski Castle CCA in Warsaw. She defended her PhD dissertation in the Institute of Polish Culture (University of Warsaw). She’s interested in art practices at the intersection of disciplines, as well as exhaustion of the modernist paradigm in the art of the 1960s and 1970s and different presentation formats.
Selected curatorial work includes "Other Dances" (Ujazdowski Castle CCA, Warsaw, 2018), Ula Sickle "Free Gestures"(Ujazdowski Castle CCA, 2018), Laura Lima "A Room and a Half" (Ujazdowski Castle CCA, 2017), "Let’s Dance" (Art Stations Foundation, Poznań, 2015) and several performance programmes. In 2008-2018 she co-created international residency programme in Ujazdowski Castle. Author of books: "Sztuka znikania.Teatralność w czasach ponowoczesnych" ["The Art Of Disappearance. Theatricality in Postmodern Times"] and "Performans oporu" ["Resistance Performance"].
CIMAM – International Committee for Museums and Collections of Modern Art – is an Affiliated Organization of ICOM.* Founded in 1962, CIMAM’s vision is a world where the contribution of museums, collections, and archives of modern and contemporary art to the cultural, social, and economic well-being of society is recognized and respected.
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Thank you Agnieszka Sosnowska for becoming a member of CIMAM!