Vote for 3 Outstanding Museum Practices Award. 16 nominations

This is a special occasion in which we would like to count on our members' participation to evaluate the best proposals submitted for the Outstanding Museum Practices Award.
Fourteen museums worldwide responded to this call with leading proposals, and now is the time to listen to your opinion.
We kindly ask you to participate in the voting process for the three best practices presented.
As you know, this is an award that all CIMAM Board Members, and particularly the OMPA working group, consider essential and a reference within our sector, as it recognizes the best practices from a social, economic, and environmental point of view in our community.

Suzanne Cotter, Secretary-Treasurer and CIMAM's Board Member, Chair of CIMAM's Outstanding Museum Practices in Times of Global Crisis working group, and director of Mudam Luxembourg - Musée d'Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean, affirmed: "We are looking at what has the potential to inspire other museum professionals and other professionals operating in very different contexts. Context is crucial and, although the practices have been developed for specific places and situations, their exceptional nature could inspire museums and institutions elsewhere".
Please help us find the three best museum practices in times of global crisis in 2021. Take part in the survey and choose your top 3!