Survey: The Future of Touring Exhibitions

3 February 2025

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Culture Connect's Cultural Dialogue Surveys

Your voice matters to imagine the future of touring exhibitions.

As part of Culture Connect's Cultural Dialogue Surveys series exploring the appetite for cross-cultural dialogues, we are thrilled to be collaborating again with Touring Exhibitions Organisation (Teo) and invite the global touring exhibition community to answer our "Cultural Dialogue Survey 2025: The Future of Touring Exhibitions".

The first two editions explored the impact of contemporary crises such as the pandemic, geopolitical instability and the climate emergency on international touring. They revealed key trends, questioned the power of the object in exhibitions, revealed tested sustainability practices, and highlighted the resilience and optimism of the sector. Four years on, what long-term trends have emerged, and what challenges are expected for the future? 

This survey is a free and inclusive initiative, open to all professionals involved in the hosting, touring, production and promotion of cultural exhibitions worldwide at museums, galleries, science centres, exhibition venues, heritage venues, libraries, archives, and gardens.

You can submit it by 10th February 2025. The survey results will be presented by Culture Connect in a report at Teo Live on 15 May 2025.

This survey should take you 5-8 min. Thank you for your time.

Start the survey here