Launch of the Call for ICOM Solidarity Projects 2021

The International Council of Museums (ICOM) is pleased to announce the launch of a call for Solidarity Projects 2021. ICOM seeks to receive project proposals related to the challenges raised by the current pandemic and museums’ resilience, exploring promising new models for museum practice following the COVID-19 crisis.
At its 145th session (16 June 2020), the ICOM Executive Board decided to reallocate the funds that have not been spent in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic to the ICOM Solidarity Projects, to support the network and museum professionals worldwide to adapt to the new health-related measures that are affecting our sector.
The projects will be selected by the Strategic Allocation Review Committee (SAREC). Please note that only National and International Committees, Regional Alliances and Affiliated Organisations can apply. The call is addressed to these entities. Thus, we kindly invite individual members that are interested in the call to contact their National or International Committee/Regional Alliance/Affiliated Organisation to present the projects they may have. Depending on the availability of funds, a second call for Solidarity Projects may be launched in February 2021. The deadline for applications is Sunday, 13 December 2020 (Paris time).
Projects may focus on topics including but not limited to:
- Best practice examples on organizing work in museums and adapting to new circumstances: trends and new ideas (i.e., for museum education);
- Museum professionals’ challenges – remote work and the risk of losing the job;
- The post-pandemic visitor: safety and new needs in focus;
- Relations between museums and their community during and after the pandemic: support to implement new approaches;
- Strategic and operational planning to ensure a sustainable future of museums after the lockdowns;
- Activities conceived for the post-pandemic scenario seeking to:
- generate income for museums
- create jobs
- reorganise the visits and exhibitions
- develop new activities
- reach out to local publics and communities
- develop online activities
- Other topics that can be of general interest for the global museum community related to post-COVID 19 resilience.
Should you have any questions about the ICOM Solidarity Projects 2021, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Fernando Avakian (