CIMAM shares the statement by Myanmar artists about the recent military coup

Statement by Myanmar Artists
1 March 2021
The free and fair general elections were held successfully in Myanmar on 8th November 2020 and the National League for Democracy (NLD) party has won another landslide victory. However, Myanmar Military staged a coup on 1st February 2021 by allegations of election fraud (without providing or having strong evidence). We believe that it was an attempt of bringing a military dictatorship alive again by completely ignoring over 30 million people's democratically decided votes. Until today 1st March, most people across Myanmar are still expressing their true desires by several forms of peaceful protests, with no sign of ending, against the coup. We, Myanmar Artists, are also standing with all these people and the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) to continue expressing our desires.
Accordingly, we hereby would like to appeal to all our friends and institutions abroad as follows for your consideration and actions:
- Do not recognize the military junta as a legitimate government, by any means.
- Do not cooperate (individually or institutionally) with the military junta for any projects.
- Do not support or make any acts that may support the military junta materially or mentally, by any means.
- Spread all above-mentioned messages to other institutions and bodies within your reach.
- Aung Ko <>
- Min Thein Sung <>
- Po Po <>
- Tun Win Aung <>
- Wah Nu <>