Free access to the 33rd Bienal de São Paulo

Title: Affective Affinities
Curator: Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro
Dates: 7 September – 9 December, 2018
Preview days: 5 – 6 September 2018
Location: Parque Ibirapuera, s/n, São Paulo, Brasil
CIMAM Members are welcome to join the 33rd Bienal de São Paulo. To add your name to the guest list, please send an email to including your name, surname, position, institution, postal address and CIMAM membership username.
As a way of questioning the predominant thematic model in contemporary curatorial projects, the 33rd edition proposes an alternative “operating system” to shed light on the way that artists articulate and understand their creative communities. Seven artists from different backgrounds, generations and art practices were invited by Pérez-Barreiro to each conceive a group show in which their work dialogues with that of their peers. As a result, the Bienal will host seven different exhibitions curated by the following artists: Alejandro Cesarco; Antonio Ballester Moreno; Claudia Fontes; Mamma Andersson; Sofia Borges; Waltercio Caldas and Wura-Natasha Ogunji.
“By engaging directly with the artist, this model privileges process and affinity in dialogue with a long tradition of artists acting as curators”, explains Pérez-Barreiro. The seven group exhibitions will be complemented by various solo exhibitions selected by the chief curator.
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