CIMAM supports Hedwig Saxenhuber and Georg Schöllhammer, curators of Kiev’s biennale

CIMAM wishes to express its support to Hedwig Saxenhuber and Georg Schöllhammer, curators of Kiev’s second biennale and their team in their efforts to hold the biennial that will take place in 2015 despite the withdrawal of Mystetskyi Arsenale, which was supposed to serve as key organizer and main venue.

The project involves artists, intellectuals, civil society initiatives, and international institutions, joined by their efforts to create in the face of violence and conflict.

Stressing the need for art in times of war, the curators argue against the organizer’s withdrawal: “The fundamental role of art as a reflexive instrument is to challenge the present political context defined by the armed conflict in Ukraine.”

CIMAM wishes to encourage debate and civilized exchange of ideas and wants to express the deep concern for the turn of the events against the organization of the Kiev Biennale.

The programming of biennials and art institutions is done for the construction of a civil and public space of debate and of a critical discussion around the experiences we share. Art institutions and biennials are for freedom, respect and debate.

The School of Kyiv