Street Art Museum Amsterdam

Street Art Museum Amsterdam
Anna Stolyarova: students with residents at SAMA

Street Art Museum Amsterdam (SAMA) provides a unique approach in merging street art spirit with community building. I would particularly want to emphasize the work done in making community garden by involving local residents and youth. This activity contributes to sustainability in the local area as well as becomes a learning & exchange place of local ecological knowledge. The practice applied provides an informal ground for the residents to share their stories and contribute in the development of the (edible) garden. Through this unique practice the museum space becomes a living creativity Hub.

Explain in one sentence why you think the project you nominate is outstanding and could serve as an example for the entire community of modern and contemporary art museums.

SAMA is an inspiration for others in how to bring art based methodologies in local community.

Explain why this practice or program is relevant and sustainable in creating meaningful and lasting connections with people, communities, and the museum context with a medium to long-term vision.

The urban (edible) garden merged with street art elements is providing a space for the local residents to learn about art world as well as contribute with their own stories&activities&knowledge.