Rita Segato

Rita Segato, Professor of Anthropology and Bioethics in the UNESCO Chair at the University of Brasilia; Brasilia; Brazil
Rita Segato is a lecturer in Anthropology and Bioethics in the UNESCO Chair at the University of Brasilia, her early work was in the field of anthropology of music but more recently her studies have been concerned with sexist violence against, and the murder of women. She has become an internationally recognised authority in the field and has published essays including her chapter in Terrorizing Women: Feminicide in the Americas (eds. Rosa-Linda Fregoso and Cynthis Bejarano), “Territory, Sovereignty, and Crimes of the Second State: The Writing on the Body of Murdered Women” (DUP, 2009), and La guerra contra las mujeres (Traficantes de Sueños, 2016). She has also published outstanding works on colonialism, for example La crítica a la colonialidad en ocho ensayos (Prometeo Libros, 2015).