Kelsey Shell


Kelsey Shell
Environmental & Sustainability Strategist, MOCA, Los Angeles, USA

Kelsey Shell is the Environmental & Sustainability Strategist at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) in Los Angeles. In this role, she weaves sustainability into the exhibitions and operations of the museum. She initiated MOCA’s Green Team and acts as the liaison to the MOCA Environmental Council, an affinity group that supports museum-wide sustainability initiatives. In concert with the Operations team, she is working to decarbonize MOCA’s campus through infrastructure retrofits and revised energy-use habits. She created the ongoing public programming series MOCA Climate Conversations and recently launched a hands-on learning workshop called Sustainable Skillbuilding. She also supports the Curatorial, Production, and Registration teams in imagining more responsibly built exhibitions that foreground climate stories.

Prior to MOCA, Kelsey Shell was the Director of Public Art at Zlot Buell + Associates where she worked on large scale projects with Stanford University, the Dallas Cowboys, and the State of California, among others. She is the co-lead of the Los Angeles Chapter of the Gallery Climate Coalition, a founding member of Art + Climate Action, and an organizing member of the Climate Convening of Los Angeles Museums.