CIMAM joins the Global Call to Action: Put Culture at the Heart of Climate Action

13 December 2023

Garganta del Diablo (Devil’s Throat) and the Amphitheatre, Salta, Argentina

At a crucial time, following the release of the historic proposed agreement reached on December 13, at COP28 in Dubai, signaling a collective commitment to reduce global fossil fuel consumption, and intended to end the age of oil and send a strong message to investors and policymakers about the world's united effort to combat climate change, CIMAM joins the Global Call to Action: Put Culture at the Heart of Climate Action.

On September 28, 2023, the Climate Heritage Network issued a global call to put culture at the heart of climate action, with a United Nations process that would put in place policies and frameworks that enable culture to fully contribute to climate solutions. This call was addressed to the cultural sector worldwide and aimed to join forces to ask negotiators at the United Nations Climate Conference (COP) to place cultural heritage, the arts, and the creative sectors at the heart of climate action. The call was launched at the European Cultural Heritage Summit in Venice, Italy, in the framework of the European Heritage Centre Forum "Reinventing the Anthropocene: Putting Culture and Heritage at the Heart of Climate Action".

December 8, 2023, led to the creation of the "Group of Friends of Culture-based Climate Action" at COP 28. The first ministerial meeting was convened on the theme of placing culture at the heart of climate action and chaired by the Ministers of Culture of the United Arab Emirates and Brazil. More than 30 governments and key intergovernmental organizations were represented: UNESCO, ALECSO, ICESCO, and the European Union represented by the European Commission.

Culture is considered in its broadest sense, encompassing the arts, creativity, design, fashion and digital. Heritage, as an integral part, includes elements of the past that are crucial for the present and the future. It encompasses the tangible, the intangible, the movable and the immovable, the documentary and the natural.

What are the demands of this appeal?

That governments party to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement adopt a "Joint Work on Culture and Climate Action" (JWD) decision at the next COP 29. This joint work aims to address issues related to culture, including arts and heritage.

Why is this important?

Because this decision would provide an impetus:

  • Strengthening climate action through transformative tools.
  • The global expansion of culture and heritage-based climate action.
  • Influencing key policies on adaptation, net zero balance, learning experiences, and safeguarding heritage.
  • Empowering the cultural sector to influence decision-making.

What is the big picture?

Culture is vital to finding solutions to the climate crisis. It plays a powerful role in inspiring change and transforming lives. This JWD is crucial in recognizing that culture, heritage, and the arts are essential to embracing the necessary changes toward a better future.

Sign up to support the campaign.

Urge cultural voices to contribute to the UN global process on culture and climate action.