Mimi Brown, Hong Kong

Mimi Brown (by Amanda Kho)
Mimi Brown

CIMAM celebrates the generous support of Mimi Brown who became a Major Patron of CIMAM in 2024.

Mimi Brown is an arts collaborator curious about spirit, (de)growth, and unquantifiables. Educated as a composer, she grew the interstitial experiment Spring Workshop (2011-2018) in Hong Kong side-by-side with community creators to offer soil for alternative gestures, residencies, and pluralist improvisation. Spring hosted 200 public and private events, commissioned dozens of new artworks and publications, and welcomed 196 residents and other overnight guests to its beds, sofas and air mattresses. At Spring’s heart were partnerships with sister organizations such as Asia Art Archive, Para Site, Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art (now Kunstinstituut Melly), Hong Kong New Music Ensemble, M+ Museum, Things that can happen, HK Farm, Learning Together, and soundpocket.

While Spring Workshop lays fallow in a season of hot decay, the space plays host to the engaging and eclectic Current Plans. Mimi has kept the faith on the boards of Asia Art Archive, M+, HKNME, the Signet Society, and in the ecology of Afield’s network of cultural changemakers. She is studying for a masters with the Schumacher College community and poets like Alice Oswald and Bayo Akomolafe, learning to center mutuality and regenerative economics, the preposterous and the unresolvable, and the open field of wordlessness.

Mimi is delighted to be in the CIMAM family as it web-tends and reworlds.