Mami Kataoka, Bartomeu Marí, Hans-Martin Hinz, Arimasu Ikiko and Tamotsu Aoki
CIMAM 2015 Tokyo, Registration and Welcome Speeches from CIMAM on Vimeo.
Presentation by Mami Kataoka, Chief Curator, Mori Art Museum, Tokyo. Welcome Speeches by Bartomeu Marí, President of CIMAM: Hans-Martin Hinz, President of ICOM, Paris, France, Arimasu Ikiko, Deputy Commissioner of Agency of Cultural Affairs of the Government of Japan: Tamotsu Aoki, Chair, Japanese National Committee for iCOM/Director General, The National Art Center, Tokyo, Japan.
CIMAM 2015 Annual Conference
7-9 November, Tokyo, Japan
"How Global Can Museums Be?"